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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed on the 10th of October every year, with the goal of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilising efforts in support of mental health care.

Mental health is something that absolutely anyone can struggle with. It never makes you weak and you should never be ashamed of needing extra help or support to get through a difficult time.

COVID19 has had a massive impact on communities around the world, isolating most of us at some point or another. It’s always important to reach out to your loved ones, and particularly in these challenging and uncertain times.


There are many organisations that can help people based off of what they are struggling with and many helplines you can call if you need to talk with someone.

Supporting those with mental health issues and the organisations that aim to assist in this crisis is so crucial. There are many ways you can get involved so be sure to visit their website for more information and resources.


If you or someone you know is ever in immediate danger or you are concerned that they are a risk to themselves or others, be sure to call 000 for immediate help.

There are many helplines you can call such as Lifeline at 13 11 14 (24/7,) Lifeline Text 0477 13 11 14 (6pm-12am every night), Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636, Butterfly Foundation 1800 334 673, Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800, MensLine 1300 184 527, the National Sexual Assault, Family and Domestic Violence Line 1800 737 732 and the Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.

Check them out and get involved!


ALIA House, 1st Floor, 9-11 Napier Close



Ph. 02 6285 3100