Right now, across Australia, Meals on Wheels is needed more than ever. For the many elderly and vulnerable people who are self-isolating, food deliveries are an essential service.
Elderly people and those with disabilities are especially vulnerable during the pandemic. As a result, more and more people are relying on Meals on Wheels during self-isolation.
That’s why Meals on Wheels and DoSomething have teamed up to create a new website where you can quickly and easily find your nearest Meals on Wheels service.
By visiting MealsOnWheels.support you can find out how to lend a hand and help vulnerable people in your community.
Why you should help
Many Meals on Wheels volunteers are elderly people who are currently self-isolating. Thankfully many younger volunteers have stepped up to take their place. However, it’s worth contacting your local Meals on Wheels service to see if they still need more volunteers.
Donating to Meals on Wheels is another great way to help out. They urgently need the funds to cope with increased demand and to keep their essential services running.
If you own a business, you can also get involved. This help can include donations, volunteering and sponsorship with Meals on Wheels.
Who are you helping?
Meals on Wheels customers come from all walks of life.
They include elderly people who’ve been teachers, nurses, bricklayers, bankers, and company CEO’s.
By helping them, you can give back to the people who made Australia what it is today. They helped us, now it’s our time to support them.
For more information
Please join DoSomething Foundation in helping your local Meals on Wheels.
Click on this link to MealsOnWheels.support, type in your postcode, and get in touch with your nearest Meals on Wheels service to find out how you can give back to your community.
Kate Cole
20 February, 2019