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World Hunger Day

Around the world there are 828 million people living in chronic hunger. Starting the process of fixing this problem starts with easy access to education, technology and healthcare. This gives us the ability to bridge the gap that causes these inequalities to manifest.

In 2020, 2.37 billion people did not have access to adequate food, that’s nearly a third of our total population and an increase of nearly 320 million people in only a year. Our global population is younger than ever with nearly 1.6 billion people between the ages of 10 and 24 years old. This is nearly one quarter of our population and these youth are the ones being hit the hardest. 

This is why the theme of World Hunger Day 2022 was #YouthEndingHunger. While youth are seen to be facing the worst of world hunger, they are also the future for a world free of hunger. Youth activism around the world has been shown to make incredible change, through advocating for social injustices and climate change they have given the world hope. The Hunger Project has seen the power that these youth hold with thousands of young people joining this movement every year!

Please visit their website to learn more about the important work that’s being done and what you can do to make a change! You can also find more statistics on world hunger and resources to further your knowledge about this cause. Stay tuned for their update on World Hunger Day 2023!

Check them out and get involved!