World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

Everyone in Australia has been affected by drought in some way, it could be personally or through food shortages caused by drought. Unfortunately, they are becoming increasingly more common as the impacts of climate change continue to damage our environment.
There’s a lot of ways that we can participate in rehabilitating affected land and protecting our beautiful natural ecosystems. World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (WDCDD) is a time to internationally address this and act consciously within our communities.
Droughts are one of the greatest threats facing our society’s continued sustainable development. Particularly so in developing nations, but as environments around the world change, its brutal impact is seen more and more in developed nations. This is a worldwide issue that will only grow until climate change stressors and insufficient aid management is effectively addressed.
Visit the United Nations website to see how you can help the individuals and environments harmed by these unforgiving disasters. There’s also a variety of resources with further information regarding droughts and desertification on their site. You can follow the United Nations on social media for any updates about WDCDD 2023!