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Relay For Life

Relay for Life is a community-driven event that brings people together to walk in solidarity, aiming to end cancer. Participants celebrate survivors, honour those lost, and raise funds for cancer research and support services.

The event is a testament to the strength and resilience of those affected by cancer, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. Relay for Life is not just a walk; it’s an opportunity to join a movement that aims to eradicate cancer, one step at a time. Participate by forming a team, joining an existing one, or donating to help Cancer Council make incredible changes. Each event represents a collective effort to fight against cancer.

Funds raised during Relay for Life contribute to groundbreaking research, patient support services, and community education programs. Throughout the last 7 years of Relay For Life, over $137.5 million has been raised for Cancer Council.

Relay for Life is more than a fundraising event; it’s a symbol of hope and unity. Your involvement in Relay for Life sends a powerful message of support to those facing the challenges of cancer, making a tangible impact on the journey toward a cancer-free future.

Check them out and get involved!


Ph. 1300 65 65 85