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SIDS and Kids NT

SIDS and Kids NT is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during infancy and childhood and to supporting bereaved families. They deliver on their vision through evidence based education and bereavement support. Their evidence based information is aimed at reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and fatal sleeping accidents.

SIDS and Kids NT relies on the generous support from the NT community to continue to provide their services. You can help them by:
* Volunteering (Red Nose, Fundraising Events, Becoming a Parent Supporter and assisting bereaved families)
*Making a one off or regular donation (all donations over $2 are tax deductible)
*Donating goods or services (office consumables, items towards their wish list, items to be auctioned to raise money – all money saved enables greater resources to be placed into bereavement services)
*Hosting your own fundraising event with SIDS and Kids NT the benefiting charity
*Spreading the word that SIDS and Kids NT are more than SIDS and support families through miscarriage, stillbirth, sudden illness, accident, and more.

If you’re interested in volunteering with SIDS & Kids, get in touch with them today!

Check them out and get involved!


1 Willeroo Street



Ph. 08 8948 5311