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Red Heart Campaign

Award-winning journalist Sherele Moody started The RED HEART Campaign to encourage all Australians to take action to end violence and abuse against women and children.

You can get involved with RH by contributing online, from anywhere in the country, to any of their online campaigns:

The MEMORIAL TO WOMEN & CHILDREN LOST TO VIOLENCE contains the stories and photos of more than 1000 murder, manslaughter and victims. The memorial is here: tinyurl.com/ya85y4my

The AUSTRALIAN FEMICIDE & CHILD DEATH MAP: Mapping and sharing stories of women and children lost to murder and manslaughter in Australia. View the map here: tinyurl.com/y9l4oh7p

RIP ANGEL POSTS: All Australians are encouraged to share a red heart emoji when a woman or child loses their life to murder or manslaughter.

COUNTING DEATHS IN AUSTRALIA: Up-to-date tally of all murders and manslaughters in Australia – tinyurl.com/y9l93gcd MAPPING DEATHS IN AUSTRALIA: Up-to-date map listing all murders and manslaughters in Australia as they happen. tinyurl.com/y7t7vzup The WHY I STAYED Project: Brave domestic violence survivors reveal what it is like to survive abuse. Read their stories here: tinyurl.com/y9vvpxul HEARTS OF COURAGE: Stories of thriving and surviving despite violence, once heart beat at a time tinyurl.com/y7sznzg5

Check them out and get involved!



Ph. 0412 274 801