Pledge 1%

Pledge 1% are building an international movement of corporate philanthropy. Pledging 1% is an easy way to leverage a portion of your future success to support nonprofits in your community. It’s a small commitment today that can make a huge impact tomorrow. The sooner you start, the easier it is – so join your fellow founders by making a pledge today!
Pledge 1% founding partners include Salesforce, Atlassian, and Rally, three companies that know first-hand how pledging a small portion of future success today can have an enormous impact tomorrow. In 2014, they came together with the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Colorado to accelerate a shared vision of every business around the globe integrating philanthropy into its corporate DNA.
In 2016, Pledge 1% became a special initiative of Tides, a leading global philanthropic partner and non-profit accelerator.
If you’re not a CEO and/or you’re not ready to join yet, there are many ways to get involved in the movement. They have a number of opportunities for people to serve as ambassadors and to connect with other leaders in their network.
If you are a CEO/founder, or have the authority to take the pledge for your company, don’t waste another minute, take the pledge today!