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Parks Week

Parks Week is a time to enjoy the green spaces and playgrounds in your local area. Parks help the physical health and social well-being of everyone. Spend this week enjoying a game of footy, a picnic, or by taking action to protect existing parks and to have more created.

The focus for Parks Week 2023 is “how spending time in our parks and open spaces positively influences our wellbeing.” Being in nature has been shown to have positive impacts on learning, problem solving, concentration, critical thinking abilities and creativity. As well as benefiting mental health and general wellbeing through physical fitness and social interactions.

These parks and open spaces are not only good for our mental, physical and social health, but spaces that hold happy memories for many people. These spaces have to be protected for community wellness and so they can be shared with generations to come.

To learn more about Parks Week and the importance of these environments to society, please visit their website for more reading materials and resources. Be sure to keep an eye on their social media pages for any important updates or posts!

Check them out and get involved!


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