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Girl Guides Tasmania – Blackmans Bay/Kingston

Girl Guides Tasmania is a non-profit volunteer led organisation and has been a part of the Tasmanian Community for over 100 years. Guiding is about self-confidence, leadership and teamwork.

Guiding encourages teamwork, helps girls to grow in confidence, and inspire girls and young as five to speak out and be heard. With the support of their amazing team of volunteers, girls and young women who are Guides grow to become the leaders of tomorrow. Adults are encouraged to join as volunteers or Leaders. Some units are offering online programs, contact your local unit to see if you can get involved from home. Blackmans Bay/Kingston has 5 units, ranging in age from 5-18 yrs.

Get in touch to find out more!

Check them out and get involved!


Burwood Drive

Blackmans Bay



Ph. (03) 6244 4408