Frack Free Future
Frack Free Future
Vast areas across the Kimberley, Canarvon, Mid-West and even the Southwest wine region contain shale gas targeted for fracking.
Fracking represents a major risk to the quality of our drinking water, as well as sustainable industries like farming and tourism. It has the potential to tear communities apart and massively increase Western Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Frack Free Future is an alliance of communities and organisations around Western Australia campaigning together to stop fracking in WA. We believe in a sustainable future, where we move beyond the damaging boom-bust cycles of the resources industry.
The governments of Victoria and Tasmania have recognised the risks fracking poses to their states, and placed a moratorium on fracking. Western Australia should do the same. Our children deserve a frack free future.
There’s lots you can do to get involved, get in touch with them today to find out more!