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Eastern Hills Scout Group

What many people don’t realise is that there are plenty of flexible ways adults can get involved with or contribute to their local Scout Group without making the time commitment required for a uniformed leadership role.

Adults can help by:

– Assisting with activities

– Joining the Group Committee and/or assisting with administration

– Helping to fundraise – Providing transport

– Volunteering for duties such as Scout Hall set up

– Helping with DIY jobs or gardening at the Scout Hall

– Organising a Group excursion to their workplace

– Assisting with food preparation.

Volunteering for roles such as these helps to ‘free up’ the uniformed Leaders so they can focus on planning and running activities, and providing youth members with the best possible Scouting experience.

Get involved with Scouts today!

Check them out and get involved!


10940 Great Eastern Highway

Sawyers Valley



Ph. 08 9480 4200