World Wetlands Day
World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day promotes the conservation and wise use of these ecosystems which benefit the health of the whole planet. You can hold seminars, nature walks, festivals, or get involved with wetland rehabilitation.
In the last 50 years we have lost 35% of the World’s wetlands. Since the 1700s, nearly 90% of wetlands around the globe have been degraded. We have to be organised and efficient in repairing our wetlands as we lose them three times faster than any other forest.
The theme for World Wetlands Day 2023 is Wetland Restoration. This theme highlights the urgency of prioritising global wetland restoration and is a reminder of just how crucial this cause is.
To get involved in World Wetlands Day, please visit their website for more information. You can visit their events page to see what is going on near you and how you can get active in saving our wetlands!