World Oral Health Day
World Oral Health Day

The 3-year, from 2021 to 2023, World Oral Health Day campaign theme is: Be Proud of Your Mouth. Their goal is to encourage people to value and care for their oral health during every stage of life. In the first year of this campaign, they focused on the intrinsic connection between your oral health and overall health. In the campaign’s second year, they worked to inspire individual action by emphasising the important role that good oral health has for our wellbeing.
This year for World Oral Health Day 2023, the FDI World Dental Federation (FDI WDF) has a new focus. They want to inspire positive changes within communities by educating individuals about the importance of correct oral health care at every stage of life. It doesn’t matter what age you are, because taking care of your mouth and maintaining good oral health is imperative for every individual!
By learning about oral health care, you can make the right choices to protect and be proud of your mouth! You can visit their website for some great resources that are full of helpful tips to keep you and your mouth, happy and healthy. For any questions you have about World Oral Health Day or their events, please use one of the FDI WDF contact options so their team can assist you.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on their social media pages for any updates they share about World Oral Health Day 2023!