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World AIDS Vaccine Day

This is the perfect time to fight against stigmas that harm the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) positive community and send a big thank you to all of the volunteers, medical professionals, scientists and communities that work tirelessly to find a preventative vaccine against HIV. It’s incredibly important that as a community, we understand how crucial this research is. 

In 2019, there was an estimated 38.0 million individuals around the world living with HIV, with 26 million of those people receiving antiretroviral therapy in 2020, which is a fantastic 2.4% rise of individuals accessing their medication since 2019.

These are five important facts about the AIDS vaccine and HIV virus:

  1. HIV impacts the cells that help the body fight infection, leaving positive individuals much more vulnerable to developing other illnesses and often with harsher symptoms.
  2. The virus is spread through intimate contact between individuals and a positive individuals’ bodily fluids.
  3. While there is currently no vaccine to prevent HIV infections or treat those who’re already positive. But as the years go by, advancements have been made and scientists continue to bring us closer to an AIDS vaccine.
  4. Children are able to contract and transfer the virus, but the number of HIV positive children has dropped from 320,000 in 2010 to 160,000 in 2021, which is such a hopeful sign!
  5. Around the world, there are many individuals completely unaware they even carry the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. With 91% of Australia’s HIV positive population being diagnosed by the end of 2021, leaving 9% unaware that they were HIV positive.


The best ways to show your support of World AIDS Vaccine Day and for the improvement of global HIV knowledge, is by donating to an organisation that’s working to find an AIDS vaccine, improve community services and managing the many challenges that come with this virus, for both individuals and communities.

By sharing stories and information about HIV on your social media pages, and including the hashtag #WorldAIDSVaccineDay, you can help spread the word of the vital need to discover an AIDS cure and dismantle the harmful stigmas around the HIV positive community.

Finally, through educating your community of HIV and AIDS prevention, you can improve the health and medical understanding of your local community! Remember that it’s essential to understand who the disproportionately less educated and vulnerable minority groups are in your community, state or country, to provide relevant and valuable information.

Please visit their website for more information about HIV in Australia and for more ways that you can help our fellow Aussies dealing with HIV. If you have any questions or require support, please use their contact details for assistance.

If you’re between the ages of 13 and 64, it’s really important that you test for HIV at least once as a part of routine health care practises.

Check them out and get involved!


Level 3, 414 Elizabeth Street

Surry Hills


Ph. 02 9557 9399