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Wild Seeds Regen

Wild Seeds meets Australia’s environmental hurdles through fun and social group tree plantings. This improves soil health, regenerates wildlife habitat, and creates human connection.

Everyone knows that getting active outdoors is great for mental health, and doing it while creating new friendships is even better. Their aim is to create a supportive community of people who love getting their hands in the dirt.

They create corporate and social events on privately owned lands across Australia. You can contact Wild Seeds and have them regenerate your land, or have a tree-planting for your birthday party.

They rely on donations from the public, and for people to buy tickets to their events in order to fund the purchase of native plants. So check out their upcoming events and buy a ticket!

Do you want to be able to look back on a forest in 20 years that you helped to plant? Get in touch with them today to find out more.

Check them out and get involved!