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The World’s Biggest Garage Sale

The World’s Biggest Garage Sale (WBGS) is a massive community event where people and businesses donate their excess goods, and WBGS sells them to create purposeful profit.
As well as educating the community about sustainability, to date they have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to charity. 
WBGS also partners with businesses such as Newscorp and Cisco. Corporate partnership with them can mean event sponsorship, donation of goods, or long-term collaboration.
WBGS  ship goods to all over the country (and overseas!), so check out what they’ve got up for grabs.
As their organisation expands, they’ll be hosting pop-ups in more and more areas around Australia, so get in touch to see if they’re hosting something near you, and need your help!

Check them out and get involved!


Building 3, 506 Lytton Rd



Ph. 1300 12 12 97