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The Mustard Tree Op Shop & Cafe

All sales at The Mustard Tree, including our “Upcycled” range help raise funds tohelp people in the community.

The Mustard Tree is part of Lilydale Baptist Church. and show God’s love by caring for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the hundreds of people who come into the shop every week.
Customers are able to enjoy a coffee and light meal in the café, they are able to purchase clothes, furniture, books, manchester, bric-a-brac, records and so much more at affordable op shop
prices. If people need extra help they have Community Care, a foodbank which provides food parcels to anyone in need, and each month they provide enough food for approx. 3000 meals. They also offer pharmacy assistance and when necessary free clothing and household goods.I164+I164

Interested in helping out? Get in touch today!

If you'd like to donate a large item, please call ahead to check that they can receive what you have to give. Op shops spend millions of dollars a year on rubbish removal so please don't give broken, dirty, or poor quality items.

Check them out and get involved!

3/28 John St




Ph. 03 9735 3500