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South Australian Apiarists’ Association

The South Australian Apiarists’ Association Inc. was formed in 1945. They are an Association of members from both the commercial and hobby beekeeping sectors. Their members represent many facets of the industry including honey production, pollination, queen breeding, propolis and pollen collection.  They encourage membership to anyone who is interested in expanding and/or sharing their knowledge or just getting together with like-minded people to discuss issues. They accept members with only 1 hive, up to large apiaries with over 1000 hives.

Beekeeping is something you can do from home – it’s an important part of protecting our pollinators!

If you want to know more about the work that they do, or learn how you can help bees thrive, visit their website today!

Check them out and get involved!


PO Box 326

Mount Compass


Ph. 04 1998 2102