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National Pyjama Day

National Pyjama Day is all about wearing your favourite and comfiest Pyjamas or onesie to work or school to help raise funds and awareness for children in foster care. 

The Pyjama Foundation’s Love of Learning Program is a one-on-one mentoring scheme where volunteers are recruited, screened, trained and matched with a child in care. Together, the mentor, called a “Pyjama Angel” and child spend time together each week reading, writing, and focusing on educational based games.

When you sign up your organisation for Pyjama Day, you will receive a free host kit – this kit includes: posters, balloons, bunting, stickers and so much more! It doesn’t cost a cent to register; we just ask that all organisations raise funds (no minimum amount as every cent counts!)

Check them out and get involved!


Ph. 07 3256 8802