National Missing Persons Week
National Missing Persons Week

Approximately 30,000 Australians are reported missing every year and we can’t forget these people or their stories. National missing persons week exists to raise awareness of missing Australians and profile long-term missing persons cases.
The Australian Federal Police organises this event annually to bring these issues and the stories of missing Australians into the public spotlight. Each year has a new theme to focus in on the various individual factors that contribute to this cause.
Just by keeping an eye out, every member of our community can help when a person goes missing. This week is a time to support suffering loved ones, as well as a reminder for us all to keep watch for information that may help.
There are events that you can get involved in to show your support as well as being active on social media. To learn more about this cause and the history of Australia’s missing persons, please visit the website link for more information. You can also follow their social media pages to stay up to date on anything they share and changes to this event.
Please call the missing persons hotline on 1800 000 634 if you have any questions or something to report.