Meals on Wheels (National Head Office)
Every day Meals on Wheels brings a friendly smile, a chat about the weather, a nutritious meal and the knowledge that someone will drop by to say hello. In this way, Meals on Wheels positively improves the lives of many people – particularly elderly Australians.
Volunteers are crucial to the operation of every Meals on Wheels organisation. They drive the cars and deliver meals and food services. Volunteers also serve on management committees. Volunteers can also use their office skills, set up databases, write newsletters or prepare promotional fliers for events.
If there isn’t a Meals on Wheels service near you, get in touch with the head office and see if you can have one established!
Every act of volunteering at Meals on Wheels contributes to a happier, healthier community. Get in touch with your local Meals on Wheels to find out how you can help!