Global Recycling Day
Global Recycling Day

Recycling is so important and crucial to the wellness of our world. Annually, the earth gives billions of tonnes of natural resources, at some point it will run dry. This affects humanity by causing immigration and displaced communities, poverty, job loss, mountains of waste and causes natural habitats to disappear.
This year for Global Recycling Day (GRD) 2023 they are welcoming nominations for #RecyclingHeroes who assisted the continuance of worldwide recycling throughout the pandemic. There will be 10 winners chosen from around the globe and each will receive a prize of $1000(US) with a feature on all of GRD’s social media channels.
Visit the website link to see how you can get involved and to educate yourself and your peers on why recycling is so important. There are many resources available if you have any confusions about correct recycling measures so don’t hesitate to refresh your knowledge!