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Gliding Federation of Australia

Do you have a thirst for adventure?

The sport of gliding is an exhilarating, spectacular yet serene flying experience. As long as you’re over fifteen, gliding could be for you!

It’s never too late to learn – why not glide to their website to find a club near you, or contact the Gliding Federation of Australia now to get involved.

Day to day running of gliding clubs relies on volunteers to keep the cost of this sport low.

Volunteer opportunities can be split into three main categories: airworthiness (maintaining, servicing, and repairing aircraft and equipment), operations (teaching new pilots to fly and maintaining safety standards), and sport (racing, competition and coaching).

Why not be a part of this community, and contact the Gliding Federation of Australia to get involved.

Check them out and get involved!




Ph. 03 9359 1613