CORENA – Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia

CORENA – Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia believe the rapid roll-out of renewable energy and energy efficiency are two essential measures for restoring a safe climate.
The future of our planet, and its people, is at stake.
That’s why CORENA are creating a people-powered movement to fast track Australia’s renewable energy revolution, and you have the power to help make it happen.
CORENA provides a practical and effective way for ‘the people’ to collectively fund new renewable energy installations NOW instead of just waiting on government action.
Australia has the technology for a rapid transition to 100% renewable energy. We also have plenty of people who want to ‘do something’ to achieve a safer climate and keep coal and gas in the ground. CORENA brings together these people and this technology via simple outside-the-box solar funding models that empower us all.
To find out more about the importance of renewable energy and how to access it contact CORENA via email visit their website.