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Can We | Quit Smoking Program

Can We works to change how Australians understand cancer and change the attitude from ‘out of mind’ to ‘top of sight’! Ensuring that all Aussies are aware of their health risks, how cancer affects our communities and the regular medical testing relevant to them. Smoking is a major risk to the health of those who partake, leaving them vulnerable to many cancers and diseases.

Can We, a branch of ACON, works to change how Australians understand cancer and shift the attitude from ‘out of mind’ to ‘top of sight’! Ensuring that all Aussies are aware of their health risks, how cancer affects our communities and the regular medical testing relevant to them. Can We is a new organisation, dedicated to changing how Australia sees cancer and addressing the unique risk factors that face LQBTQ communities. The most effective way for Australia to reduce and manage cancer cases is through regular testing for early diagnosis and national education around cancer’s risk factors. 

Cancer is a heartbreaking condition and just one of the many that can be caused by smoking. These illnesses cause immense distress and harm to diagnosed individuals, as well as the people who care for them. Smoking has been found to cause 16 different types of cancer and while the consequences of their use are sometimes irreversible, individuals 5 years into quitting present with the same risk to cervical cancer as someone who has never smoked! For those who reach 10 incredible smoke-free years, their risk of lung cancer is half of what a continued smokers would be. No matter where you are in your journey, today could be the day you quit and make the change!

Rates of smoking have a notable spike in the LGBTQ community. Statistics show less testing and higher rates of drinking and smoking, which are considered major risk factors for developing cancer. It’s an important reminder to take care of the vulnerable individuals within our communities, and ensure the extra support they require is available.

Some of the many benefits of quitting include:

  • Feeling better! Quitters reported a 40% increase in positive emotions and many found their stress levels had reduced without the habit.
  • Reducing your risk to cancer. Smoking causes 16 different types of cancer, however many risks to cancer can reduce over time after quitting.
  • Feel and BE healthier! Not only will you continue to feel fitter and healthier for a few months after you quit, but after 15 years a quitters risk of heart disease is around the same as a non-smoker.

Please visit Can We’s website to read more about the incredible work they do for improving community wellbeing, cancer support and medical treatment services within Australia. You can also check out their social media pages and consider following for any announcements or updates their team shares! It’s essential to stay up to date on your health and required testing, so please check out their site for more.

You can click here to visit iCanQuit for their free online support toolkit, or call the NSW Quitline on 13 7848 if you need support now.

Check them out and get involved!


414 Elizabeth Street

Surry Hills


Ph. 1800 063 060