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Australian Weightlifting Federation

Want a great workout without too much movement? Then weightlifting is the sport for you!

Whether you are a professional looking to become more active in competition, or just a beginner of this sport, you can contact the Australian Weightlifting Federation to find a club near you so you can get involved.

Often mistaken as a strength based sport, weightlifting is actually technically demanding. Once having mastered the movements of weightlifting, strength can then be developed through assistance exercises.

The sport of weightlifting relies heavily on volunteers, and not just in roles such as coaching proper techniques, and officiating.

Volunteers can serve on club committees, help to organise and run events, maintaining club facilities and equipment, and much more.

There’s bound to be something for everyone, so why not contact the Australian Weightlifting Federation to see how you can be involved with the sport of weightlifting?

Check them out and get involved!


Spring Creek


Ph. 0411 424 328