Alannah and Madeline Foundation

The Alannah and Madeline Foundation run care programs, prevention programs, and advocate for children who have experienced or witnessed serious violence. The Foundation was set up in memory of Alannah and Madeline Mikac, aged 6 and 3, who were tragically killed with their mother and 32 others at Port Arthur, Tasmania on 28 April 1996. It was established by their father, Walter Mikac. The foundation promotes behaviour-change programs in schools and libraries, focusing on respectful values and behaviours in young people. When not dealing with children directly, they work constantly to advocate for children’s right to live a life free from violence and bullying. You can get involved by donating, fundraising, or volunteering your time. Previous experience and qualifications aren’t necessary to volunteer. Get in touch today and find out how you can help keep children safe from violence!

Check them out and get involved!
VISIT THEIR WEBSITELevel 1, 256 Clarendon Street
South Melbourne
Ph. 03 9697 0666