World Tuna Day
World Tuna Day

Is your tuna from a sustainable source? Simple switches in our shopping habits can make a big difference. Whether you live inland or on the coast, we can all play a part in helping the world’s oceans.
World Tuna Day is key for addressing the growing challenges that face Tuna, an important food commodity worldwide. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) found that the latest industry estimates suggest 22% of the worlds tuna stocks are experiencing overfishing and 13% have been overfished. On top of this, there are great concerns associated with tuna fishing and unnecessary bycatch problems. The nets used to catch tuna also trap and entangle seabirds, sharks and various marine mammals, as well as the environmental concerns trawling can present for the ocean environment.
MSC uses World Tuna Day to raise awareness about what’s needed to end overfishing and how we can safeguard tuna supplies for future generations and eco-systems. This day aims to result in the acceleration of action done to protect the future of tuna and consequentially, our oceans. This is only possible if individuals and communities educate themselves about sustainable tuna and how they can get involved to support this cause.
The theme for World Tuna Day 2023 is ‘Yes We Can.’ It’s crucial we all work to conserve our precious tuna resources for the generations to come. So please, head over to their site to see what you can do and for more information about the work being done by the MSC. You can get loud on social media to spread the message by using the hashtags #WorldTunaDay and #BigBlueFuture. Be sure to tag @MSCbluefishtick for your chance to have your post re-uploaded by them!

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