Survival Day
Survival Day

Australia Day is often referred to as Survival or Invasion Day, an important time when communities across Australia gather to celebrate the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and continue to heal the trauma and carried down through colonialised Australia’s persecution of Indigenous communities.
It’s a great time to learn about Indigenous culture and the dream time stories of your local area. It’s crucial for all Australians to educate themselves on the history of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the 26th of January is a symbol of the lived experiences and trauma experienced by their ancestors and elders. This day is a space for Indigenous Australians to speak their truth and share their hopes for what our future will bring. Every year the government is urged to change the date to one that does not serve as a reminder of the atrocities committed against Indigenous Australians, but rather a new date that allows everyone to celebrate community and our ever-growing Australia!
This day is a space for Indigenous Australians to speak their truth and share their hopes for what our future will bring. Every year the government is urged to change the date to one that does not serve as a reminder of the atrocities committed against Indigenous Australians, but rather a new date that allows everyone to celebrate community and our ever-growing Australia!

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