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Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a pivotal period dedicated to breaking the silence surrounding domestic violence and forging real change. This month is not just about raising awareness; it’s a call to action, urging everyone to be the change they wish to see in the world.

Around 95% of all victims of violence, whether women or men, experience violence from a male perpetrator. Domestic violence, encompassing various forms of control, affects lives in profound ways. One in two Australian women has experienced sexual harassment, and women are almost three times more likely than men to face violence from a partner. This issue is the leading cause of serious injury, disability, and death for women in Australia, with an average of one woman killed by her intimate male partner each week.

By participating, supporting, or spreading awareness, you become a vital part of a movement working towards creating a world free from domestic violence. Explore opportunities, participate actively, and visit the website for valuable information. Your involvement, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in fostering a safer and more compassionate world for all.

Check them out and get involved!