Australian Quoll Conservancy
Australian Quoll Conservancy

Australia is home to four species of quolls, which are the largest carnivorous marsupials on mainland Australia.
The AQC founded in 2014 is a not-for-profit community organisation, focused on the conservation and long term survival of Quolls across Australia.
The AQC main office based in Cairns with auxiliary species recovery units now located in Daintree, Townsville Nth QLD and Victoria, striving to promote and support quoll conservation efforts across Australia.
Membership to the AQC not only means that you support what they do, but you can participate in activities, receive newsletters, participate in fund raising events, attend committee meetings and know that you a part of an important group of people passionate about the conservation of these magnificent animals.
Membership is currently free. If you would like to become a member, get in touch with them today!