1 Voice Uluru

The Uluru Statement is a document of great importance.
The above video and this article from the Sydney Morning Herald describes it’s profound significance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: www.smh.com.au/national/what-is-the-uluru-statement-from-the-heart-20190523-p51qlj.html
In 2017 more than 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders met at the foot of Uluru. Their discussions culminated with Indigenous Australians “from all points of the southern sky” reaching a consensus position on constitutional recognition. The Uluru Statement is 12 paragraphs long and has been noted for its succinct and powerful wording.
Many well known Australian companies and individuals have got behind the Uluru Statement. You can also support it by emailing the statement to people that you know. You can also post it on to your social media accounts. Their website gives you the resources to help with this.
Show your support for Indigenous rights by getting behind this historic document!